
Contacts and important informations

Here you will find contact persons for all departments

So that we can help you with your request as quickly as possible, please call the right contact person directly. You can find the most important contact information here:

All questions about our halls of residence, the application process and the rental portal
Contact Housing Team

Dining halls & cafeterias
Feedback, questions and suggestions about our catering services
+49 6131 39 249 84

Studying with a child
All questions about our daycare centers and the allocation of places and admission requirements
+49 6131 39 249 69

Counseling & Social Affairs
Your direct line to our advisors for student financing and financial aid
+49 6131 39 24732

Housing, daycare, canteens, student cards: In Bingen, Ms. Wirtz will answer all your questions
+49 6721 40 9332

General questions about our offers, the Studicard or Autoload
+49 6131 39 22366

At the Info-Point you can also obtain all important information on site and ask questions about payment options in our canteens and cafeterias: App and Studicard.

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