We use the university network in our dormitories. An internet account of Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) is required. The user name of this account is needed to aktivate the internet in the dormitories.
How you (have) receive(d) this account and how you find/rrecognise is explained here in the FAQs.
JGU students | FAQ Internet Account
Have you already received your semester ticket from JGU?
Have you already received your semester ticket from JGU?
Then you have also received your Internet account (Email regarding activation procedure) from the ZDV of Johannes Gutenberg University directly afterwards. Students usually receive this email within 48 hours of enrollment.
If you have your semester ticket but not the PUK, please contact the ZDV hotline directly to clarify your situation:
hotline@zdv.uni-mainz.de (also available via Skype) or by phone +49 6131 39 26316
By the way, the semester ticket is a part of the master data sheet.
You have not received your semester ticket from JGU yet?
You have not received your semester ticket from JGU yet?
Has your enrolment already taken place? Only after your enrolment you will receive your account. If you do not have your semester ticket yet, it is normal that you have not received a email with the activation procedure (account from the ZDV of JGU) yet. Students usually receive this email within 48 hours of enrollment. Now the question is relevant, when your enrolment will take place.
You have the date for enrolment at JGU in a few days?
You have the date for enrolment at JGU in a few days?
You will receive your semester ticket after enrolment. Your Internet account (ZDV account) Students usually receive this email about the activation process within 48 hours of enrollment.
Should this not be the case, please contact the ZDV hotline directly to clarify your situation:
hotline@zdv.uni-mainz.de (also available via Skype) or by phone +49 6131 39 26316
Do you have an appointment for enrolment at JGU in a few weeks?
Do you have an appointment for enrolment at JGU in a few weeks?
[Translate to Englisch:]
Please send us the receipt where your date of enrolment is confirmed by JGU and send it to wohnen@studierendenwerk-mainz.de. If you provide us with this receipt, we can work out a solution to access the internet from your dormitory. Please give us some time for this.
You have applied as a JGU student but you do not receive an admission?
You have applied as a JGU student but you do not receive an admission?
Please refer to the information for students of other universities or non-students. Please note that your lack of enrolment will also affect your eligibility to live in the dormitories. Please compare the information under FAQ Authorization - can I apply for a place in a dormitory?
HS students & non-students | FAQ Internet Account
You are studying at the HS Mainz or the TH Bingen?
You are studying at the HS Mainz or the TH Bingen?
We will send you your internet account by e-mail after moving into the dormitory. With your ZDV account of JGU (wh00 user name) you can activate your internet access in your dormitory.
You are not studying?
You are not studying?
We will send you your internet account by e-mail after moving into the dormitory. With your ZDV account of JGU (wh00 user name) you can activate your internet access in your dormitory.
You have applied as a HS student but you do not receive an admission?
You have applied as a HS student but you do not receive an admission?
Please refer to the information for students of other universities or non-students. Please note that your lack of enrolment will also affect your eligibility to live in the dormitories. Please compare the information under FAQ Authorization - can I apply for a place in a dormitory?
Internet activation in the dormitory
Volunteer students of the Netzwerk-AGs help you
It can take about 1-2 weeks until your account in the dormitory is activated. Your ZDV account will be activated by volunteer students of the “Netzwerk-AG” in the dormitory. Check the notices of the “Netzwerk-AG's” in the dormitories to find out what you have to prepare for the activation of the Internet in your dormitory. Please note that the members of the “NAG” are volunteer students who offer this support voluntarily in their free time.
Interested residents are welcome to join the “Netzwerk-AG” and gain insight into the subject matter and expand their knowledge. A certificate of voluntary work will be issued by the Stw Mainz. If you are interested, please contact the Netzwerk-AG members directly.
Network groups in the dormitories
"Netzwerk-AGs = NAG"
Hechtsheim: nag-hechtsheim@uni-mainz.de
- Tutorial NAG Hechtsheim
- NAG meeting every Monday from 20.00-21.00 in the cinema room (house 6, ground floor)
Inter 2: nag-inter2@uni-mainz.de
- Webseite NAG K3
- NAG meeting every Wednesday from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., 2nd office to the left of the caretaker’s office (House 6)
Kisselberg: nag-kisselberg@uni-mainz.de
Münchfeld: nag-muenchfeld@uni-mainz.de
Oberstadt: nag-oberstadt@uni-mainz.de
Binger Schlag: nag-bingerschlag@uni-mainz.de
Wallstraße: nag-wallstrasse@uni-mainz.de
Weisenau: nag-weisenau@uni-mainz.de
Bingen: nag-bingen@uni-mainz.de