We for students
We are at your side throughout your studies so that you can concentrate on your studies. We provide food and drink, answer financial questions, organize events, have places in halls of residence and support students with children in two daycare centers. We provide support alongside your studies. We want to support students on their way to a successful degree at all times.
Studierendenwerk Mainz, one of many
Studierendenwerke in Germany
In Germany - in contrast to many other countries - the Studierendenwerke are responsible for the social support of students. The universities take care of science, research and teaching, while the Studierendenwerke are dedicated to organizing student life. Studierendenwerke therefore create the framework conditions for successful studies. For example, by providing students with a home in halls of residence or offering affordable meals in the canteens at the place of study. They offer help in counseling centers such as financial counseling. They also support students' cultural activities and offer many opportunities for intercultural encounters.
We and our area of responsibility
We are responsible for all students at the universities listed below. Students at these universities contribute to the costs by paying part of their semester fee in accordance with the principle of solidarity and in return can use our services (at a reduced rate). Only students enrolled at these universities have the right to live in our halls of residence. Only for these students do we receive a subsidy from the state for student canteen meals. Only those who participate can take advantage of our financial aid. Only the children of students at these universities can apply for a childcare place in our daycare centers.
- Bingen University of Applied Sciences
- Mainz University of Applied Sciences
- Johannes Gutenberg University
This means that we are responsible for 39,000 students in Mainz and Bingen.
We and our offers
University catering:
To ensure that students always have enough energy to study successfully, we provide them with food and drinks. Breakfast, lunch and snacks; plus drinks from the first coffee to water and mate in between: In our canteens and cafés, we are close by for students and university staff every day of their studies.
Halls of residence:
There are more than 4,000 places for students in our 10 halls of residence. We rent out our halls of residence in the months before the start of each semester. This means that our halls of residence are usually full at the start of the semester. You should therefore apply for places in halls of residence very early. Variety: Whether shared apartments or apartments, apartments for couples or families: In our ten halls of residence in Mainz and Bingen, there is a wide choice of living arrangements. All rooms are furnished and have internet access. Depending on the furnishings and size, the full rent is between approx. 350 euros (shared room) and 460 euros (large apartment), all utilities are included.
We provide advice on student financing. We help in acute crises and award grants and free canteen meals from various aid funds. We also provide advice on issues relating to student financing: for example, scholarships or loans.
We run two daycare centers directly on campus.
We offer full-day places for students' nursery and kindergarten children in our own daycare centers and can arrange places in Bingen.We can also help with many other questions relating to studying and parenthood.
Leisure time:
We organize leisure activities and events for all students who are new to studying in Mainz or Bingen.Students can get to know each other, make contacts, improve their language skills and discover the region.
International affairs: Around 5,000 foreign students live and work at the universities in Mainz and Bingen.We see international affairs, internationalization and international relations as a cross-sectional task.The integration of international students in the study region and the internationalization of regional students at home (keyword “internationalization at home”) are intrinsic concerns for us.International relations, such as the French exchanges, involve students from the areas of responsibility and employees of the participating institutions.Networking with the International Offices of the universities, regional partnership actors and participation in the Franco-German Voluntary Service of the Franco-German Youth Office characterize our offers.
We and our legal mandate
The tasks of the Studierendenwerke in Rhineland-Palatinate are regulated in the Higher Educatio Act. As legally independent institutions under public law, the Studierendenwerke can regulate their affairs within the framework of the Higher Education Act by means of statutes.
We and our organizational structure
Studierendenwerk Mainz has two bodies that decide on fundamental economic and political decisions: the Administrative Board and the Management Board.
Studierendenwerk Mainz is a company that unites very different “businesses” under one goal: providing services for students. For example, the largest overlap between university catering and residence administration is the goal of creating services for students. This requires a diversity of tasks and areas, which makes the Studierendenwerk such an exciting institution with a great mission.
We and our Studierendenwerk partners
Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW) Association of Student Services Organizations
The Studierendenwerke have an umbrella organization that represents the interests of all Studierendenwerke and thus the social and cultural interests of all students vis-à-vis politicians, the public and umbrella organizations of universities and science. The association organizes central training courses and advises the Studierendenwerke on topics related to their daily work.
The merger of the Studierendenwerke in Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, Saarland and Bavaria as “Studierendenwerke Süd-West” serves the purpose of networking and cooperation. Together, participating Studierendenwerke can pool resources, exchange experiences and represent and strengthen their interests vis-à-vis other institutions. In this way, Studierendenwerke Süd-West can organize their services for students more efficiently.