Contact cildcare
+49 6131 392 64 93
Manuela Speth
head of childcare
Evelyn Brinkmann
backoffice childcare
visiting adress:
Personal appointments by prior arrangement only
Studihaus, Entry F
Staudingerweg 21
55128 Mainz
The childminder is ill or the exam goes beyond the usual childcare hours? There are situations in which, despite the best organization of childcare, childcare bottlenecks arise and parents need reliable care for their child or children at short notice.
In Mainz, there are two services that can help: emergency childcare via the university (provided by pme Familienservice) or the childcare umbrella of the VAMV (Association of Single Mothers and Fathers Rhineland-Palatinate).
Since 2009, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz has enabled its student and employed parents to use the back-up facilities of pme Familienservice GmbH.
Here, children aged between 8 weeks and 12 years can be looked after at short notice on an hourly or daily basis, including evenings and weekends. The costs for emergency and exceptional care are covered by Mainz University. There is a quota of three care days per child/per year. Therefore, this offer cannot be used to bridge vacation periods at other childcare facilities.
Further information can be found here.
How do I use the emergency care?
You can contact the hotline, which is available every day (including weekends):
Hotline: 0180 - 1558811*
*via landline 3.9 cents per minute, maximum 42 cents per minute from the mobile network.
If you would like to use the emergency care service, you must register this with the hotline at the latest the evening before.
In Mainz, the Family Service's back-up facility is located near the main train station in the Altmünster parish hall:
3K - Children, Art, Culture
Münsterstrasse 25
55116 Mainz
Get to know the facility
If you are interested in using the emergency care, you and your child should take a non-binding look at the facility on the regular open days. The open day (taster day) is always the first Saturday of the month from 10.00-14.00. Please register for the taster day at:
Telephone: 06131/6277663
Children's umbrella of the VAMV (Association of Single Mothers and Fathers Rhineland-Palatinate)
The service center provides emergency childcare and day care. The placement is free of charge, but there are costs for the care (reimbursement by health insurance or youth welfare office may be possible). The big advantage is that the caregiver comes to the home and therefore sick children can also be cared for.
Further information can be found here or
Contact: Miriam Knoll
Phone: 06131/ 616637